Guys guys We all know This Just Give TijnAG07 Some time and he'll get too work on Android Port after he fixes the PC Port Tijn Your still a Great friend
I cant play man it says unityplayer dynamic connection not founded do you can fix it,Because i cant play even the chapter 4 too is it mods problem or no? If you have instagram i can send it to you. If you seein this please fix it man i appreciate your mods and works
Hmm i haven't heard of those errors before. You got discord? Then i can add u, username mine is TijnAG07YT. But if it keeps not working, i reccomend extracting the .zip file using either 7zip or WINRAR to properly extract it. Then double click the .exe file and it should be fixed, let me know if this works for you! ;)
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HI TijnAG07 I Downloaded BBTOL Chapter 1 Retake V1.2.1
This module is really good, but I was playing on Android and found bugs. Baldi will not collect any notebooks when he pursues you.
Nope ;) its 1.4.3
ok,but the text[notebooks text and timer text and item text] is from 1.3.2 version
Guys guys We all know This Just Give TijnAG07 Some time and he'll get too work on Android Port after he fixes the PC Port Tijn Your still a Great friend
next is bbtol rebooted ch 1[the secret ending is almost based on bbtol binace2022 version]
Yo man absolutely W work i will play on pc tomorrow
Okay.. but it is in heavy development so no furniture etc.
and bbtol rebooted?
I cant play man it says unityplayer dynamic connection not founded do you can fix it,Because i cant play even the chapter 4 too is it mods problem or no? If you have instagram i can send it to you. If you seein this please fix it man i appreciate your mods and works
Hmm i haven't heard of those errors before. You got discord? Then i can add u, username mine is TijnAG07YT. But if it keeps not working, i reccomend extracting the .zip file using either 7zip or WINRAR to properly extract it. Then double click the .exe file and it should be fixed, let me know if this works for you! ;)
yo man i dont have discord because i live in turkey so can you please create instagram account? So i can send it to you
Uhh, i don't know, as im not allowed to have apps such as facebook or instagram.. :( maybe try using any VPN and install the game and then opening it.
Nice Can't wait for Android :)